How to get a free drone

Introduction Getting a free drone might seem to be somewhat impossible for most folks, and this is primarily due to their inability to go about it the right way. Nevertheless, there are several ways you can get drones. You could take a straightforward approach and go right ahead and steal one from a drone store … Read more

How to Paint An RC Car Body

Introduction Owning a radio-controlled car can be unique. The cars are known for high speed and are wildly impressive, and depending on the size and types; it always comes in various paint colors. Paint colors are quite crucial for RC cars; it is one of the attention-grabbers to spectators. It might be that the RC … Read more

How To Clean An RC Car?

Introduction One thing that RC car enthusiasts should always pay attention to is the cleanliness of their vehicles. RC cars are electronic devices that need to be regularly cleaned to maintain performance and improve longevity. However, on the flipside, RC cars are electronic devices that can get damaged when some of its parts come in … Read more

How To Fly A Radio Controlled Helicopter

INTRODUCTION Flying a radio-controlled helicopter can be quite addicting and lots of fun. However, it may be tasking for a beginner and requires a good amount of practice, especially If it’s your first time. You may crash several times. It is advisable to purchase an RC helicopter that is resistant to shock. The most straightforward … Read more

How High Can A Drone Fly?

Inside Look Now you have a drone. It is an amazing thing to be able to control something that can go so high up in the sky. Drones have taken crafts like videography and photography to another level. Shots that would have required the use of a helicopter and a camera only need a camera … Read more