How To Use An RC Boat In Salt Water?


You are starting to use an RC boat known as the radio or remote control boat this summer. And you are enjoying it so far. So far, you have taken your boat to the pond or the lake to use it for fun. Now, you want to use it in a body of water where it may be salty. You must realize that using your RC boat in salt water is different from using it in a water body without salt.

The salt can cause a lot of damage to your RC vessel, and that is not something you want to happen.

What Can Happen To Your RC Boat If It Is In Salt Water?

Your thinking right now is likely ‘what is so different from salt water than fresh water since water is water?’. The problem with salt water is that the salt in contact with the RC boat can quickly cause it to rust, especially an RC sailing boat. The salt can get inside and ruin the motor, which means your craft will not last for very long. There is no avoiding of the salt water corroding your boat, but there are several precautions that you can take to minimize its effects. This way, you can use your RC boat on bodies of salt water as often as you would like as long as you take the proper care that it requires.

Caring for your boat means it requires careful cleaning after each use. However, please don’t wait to care for it after you are using it. Focus on methods to use to protect your boat from any salt water damage that it can quickly happen before you start giving your RC boat a run. What are those methods that can protect your vessel from rusting? They are simple, and let’s go over those right now.

Methods To Prevent Damage To RC Boat From Salt Water

You already know that your boat will end up with salt water inside of it, and you want to check the screws in the boat, so they are tight. Check the tightness of the screws around the propeller, the engine mount, and the rudders. Because if any of those screws are loose, the damage is more likely to happen from the water becoming trapped.

If you are using a sailboat, check how tight the mast screws are, so there is less risk of capsizing. Use silicone to close any areas that are open in the radio box as well. If you are unable to do this, then use rubber boats to reduce the chances of salt water from entering inside. Keep the receiver in a plastic bag and cut a small hole for the antenna to stick out and then seal up the bag with straps made of plastic.

However, even with these precautions taken, there is no way to prevent capsizing. That is guaranteed to happen to all RC boats that are on salt water. The only difference is that if you are careful with your boat, you can delay capsizing. But it is inevitable to happen. When it occurs, that will stress the vessel and allow the salt to enter the inside. The salt that ends up on the electrical component of the boat can quickly damage it.

What you wan to do is prevent your RC boat from sinking from capsizing to take empty pop bottles, and place it inside the bow. Remove the lids from the pop bottles and flatten them by squeezing them. That will allow you to put as many empty soda bottles into the bow as you can.

The bow will put air into them and restore them into their original appearance. Once that happens, you can replace the caps. For the hull, you’ll require pool noodles and plenty of them. Put the pool noodles inside so that it doesn’t act as a buoy when capsizing happens.

Another critical thing to keep in mind is if your RC boat ends up flipping, you must remove the water immediately. That includes removing the fuel from the gas tank and the fuel lines and cleaning the engine out. It’s critical to examine the oil coming out because if it is brown, that is a sign that there is water inside. Keep emptying the water, the fuel, and the oil until it is empty. Water trapped inside the boat will ruin it.

If you used the RC boat on salt water without any problems, don’t forget to clean it up after you are finished.

How To Clean An RC Boat After Using It In Salt Water

Cleaning your RC boat after using it in salt water is quite easy. Go and buy some soap from a neutral base to clean the vessel with and wash it with fresh water. Soap that is too acidy or alkaline can ruin the boat quickly. After cleaning it thoroughly, dry it up well with a cloth. Don’t forget to oil up the metallic components of the boat before you put it away. Oiling up the parts will keep them functioning and in good shape.

Never forget to clean the boat after using it in salt water, it will end up degrading pretty fast. That is not something to worry about after using the boat in fresh water, but fresh water is not going to cause the craft’s components to disintegrate as salt does. Always keep that in mind when you use your boat.


If you have always used your remote control vessel in fresh water, you can try to use it in salt water. If you don’t know how to use an RC boat in salt water, there are essential things you must know about keeping it safe and long-lasting. Salt will degrade and rust the vessel and its components otherwise. Keeping the screws tightened in every element of the boat before using it is another thing to do to reduce its capsizing chances. Capsizing is unfortunately inevitable, but the later it happens, the better.

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Sealing up openings of the boat is essential to do as your goal is to prevent water from entering inside of it while it is in use. That is another issue that you face when capsizing happens as well. As long as you take these precautions and clean the boat up properly after its use, you can enjoy using your remote control vessel in salt water relatively safely.